How do I add a new user?

To add a new user:

1. Click on 'Team'.

2. Click on '+ New employees'.

Fill in the details:

3. Enter the first name, last name.

4. Enter an email address or phone number or username of the user(s).

5. Indicate in which language the user will use the platform.

6. Indicate which team the user belongs to.
Note: a user can be in multiple teams (read here how to do this). When inviting you select 1 team. This will be the team from which the employee gets settings.

7. Once you have filled everything in, you can click '+ Add' to enter multiple employees at once. However, this is only possible if the employees are in the same evaluation cycle and have the same start and invitation date.

8. Select the period in which goals can be set. Select the appropriate Cycle for the new employee to be created here if multiple cycles are in use at your organization.

9. Select the start date of the employee.

10. Specify when the invitation should be sent. You can choose the start date, in which case the start date from step 9 will be used, or a date/time in the future. You can also choose not to send an invitation if you want to decide later when to invite someone. You can always invite people manually.

11. When you're done, click 'Add ... employee'.

Does your organization work with functions in Dialog? Don't forget to link a position to the user.

What rights does the new user get in Dialog? Read more about rights and how to assign them here.

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