1. Click on 'Management'.
2. Click on 'Competencies'.
3. Click on '+ New competency'.
4. Select which Team the competency applies to
5. Give the competency a name
6. Give the competency a description (optional)
7. Indicate whether the competency is a core value. If it is a core value put [Core Value] in fronf of the name. You never link a core value to a position. If you create a position competency, you do not check this box.
8. If you have competencies with multiple levels, you can add the levels here. At the bottom of this article a further explanation is provided on compentencies with multiple levels
9. Add behaviors (optional)
10. Click on 'Save compentency'
Multi-level competency
If your organization uses competencies with multiple levels then creating competency looks slightly different:
To add levels, click '+ Add level', to remove levels click 'Delete level'. The different levels are automatically given the title of the competency with the number of the level. You can change the title of a level by clicking on the pen icon next to the level name. In addition, you can also add behaviors per level.
Does your organization have job-specific competencies and do you want an employee to see these competencies reflected in Dialog? Do not forget to link the competencies to the right position.