Once you have completed the talent review for your employees, you can find the results at any time. To view this overview, follow these steps:
1. Click on 'Team
2. Click on 'Talent review'.
You now see a visual representation of what you have entered for your employees in the 9-grid. On the axes are the dimensions with their corresponding scores and in the boxes your employees are placed based on the score you gave them. Wondering what a talent review is? In this article you can read what a talent review is and how to fill it in.
When you click on a box, you get an overview of the employees placed in that box, including their corresponding scores. Then click on an employee to see not only the score, but also the comments you wrote. If the talent review is still open, you can adjust the score or explanation here if necessary.
On this page, you can also perform the following actions that affect the display:
- Customise view: You can display the results in either a 9-grid or a list, so you can see all the employees below each other. Using the search bar, you can easily find a specific employee.
- Select results: Have you entered several talent reviews in the past period? Then you can select which talent review you want to see the results from.
- Filter teams: If you lead multiple teams, you can filter by specific teams to show only the results of those teams.
- Positions filtering: If your team contains several positions, you can select one or more positions via the filter option.
- Export: The data can be exported very easily via the export button. This way, you can view the data via an Excel file.