How do I set up a talent review/ 9-grid?

1. Click on 'Management'.

2. Click on 'Talent reviews'.

3. Click on '+ Schedule talent review'.

Creating a new talent review is done in two steps:

Step 1: Set the global settings for the talent review

  • Name
    • Determines the name of the talent review. Think of 'Talent review 2020'.
  • Description
    • This description is returned to the page where the talent review is completed by managers.
  • Who does the talent review apply to?
    • Select here for which teams the talent review will apply. This concerns the teams in which the employees are 'reviewed'.
  • Start date
    • This is the start date of the talent review.
  • Note: On the set-up date, it is automatically determined which manager completes the talent review for which employee.
    • From this date it is no longer possible to adjust the content or dimensions of a talent review.
  • End date
    • This is a target date for the end date of the talent review. After the expiry of this date, the talent review can still be completed.
  • Send e-mail to supervisor
    • If this option is on, an email will be sent to managers on the email date to complete the talent review
  • Send reminder emails
    • If this is on, a reminder email will be sent to managers who have not yet completed all talent reviews halfway between the start and end date of the talent review.

4. When you are done, click on 'Next'.

Step 2: Determine which dimensions will be reflected in the talent review

A talent review has at least two, maximum three dimensions. Employees are plotted based on the dimensions.

A dimension consists of:

  • Name dimension
    • This is the name of the dimension, for example 'Achievement'
  • Description dimension
    • This is the description of the dimension and returns when a supervisor hovered over the dimension with his mouse while completing the talent review.
  • Scale
    • Determines on what scale the employee is plotted: for example on three bars, five stars or otherwise.
  • Sub questions (sub dimensions)
    • Is 'Performance' broken down into sub-dimensions or underlying questions for you? Then you can add sub questions to a dimension. These have their own name, description and scale. Employees are therefore plotted on the sub-questions.

A practical example of three dimensions is: Performance, Potential, and Exit probability.


5. When you are done, click on 'Save'.

After creating the talent review it will show in the overview of talent reviews.

Talent review set-up date

On the date you set-up the talent review, the system will check which manager has to fill out the talent review for which employees.

Note: it is therefore important that all settings for the talent review and the roles of managers are in place before you start setting up the talent review. 

To determine who completes the talent review for whom, the following rule of thumb is used: the more of an employee's manager you are, the greater the chance that you will complete the talent review for the employee. This means that if Manager A has the role of Manager for the team the employee is in and Manager B has the role of Manager directly for the employee, then Manager B completes the talent review for the employee in this case. It is possible that no manager is appointed as a talent reviewer if no one has managerial rights for an employee.

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