As a supervisor you are able to set team goals for the teams you manage. Employees from your team can contribute to these team goals with their own personal goals. In this way, you can ensure the realization of these team goals together.
You can link your team goals the goals of your organization. In this way your team can indirectly contribute to the organizational goals when they link a personal goal to one of the team goals. In this article, we explain how you can add a team goal in Dialog and how you can couple it to an organizational goal.
1. Click on 'Team'
2. Click on 'Teamgoals'
3. Click on '+ New teamgoal'
Now a window opens where you can add the team goal and you can give some content to the goal.
- First, choose for which team you are creating a team goal.
- Are there underlying sub-teams for the team you are creating this goal? Then you can choose if employees of those underlying teams can also contribute to this team goal. If this is the case, you can check 'Yes (cascading). If only the employees of your team should be able to contribtue to this team goal, you can check 'No (not cascading)'.
- Name your team goal. Keep the name short and easy, so it will be readible for your employees. You can use the description to give extra information about the goal.
- (optional) Describe what the goal is about and make it specific.
- (optional) Is the goal designated for a certain period? Then you can select a start and end date for the team goal. When you do not choose an end date, the goal will be active until you archive it.
When you are done, click on 'Create goal'.