You can ask feedback for yourself via Dialog. However, As a manager, you can also ask feedback about your employees. In this article you read how yo can do this.
1. Click on 'Feedback'.
2. Click on 'Ask feedback'.
3. The feedback screen will now open. Here, you can select that you want to request feedback about someone else.
4. Choose who you want to ask for feedback. You can select multiple people at the same time.
5. Specify about whom you want to ask feedback. You can request feedback about multiple employees simultaneously.
6. You can request feedback on:
- The employee's goals, or the competencies or core values that may be important for the employee.
- You can ask an open feedback question
- You can selecct on of the feedback questionnaires
7. Indicate who is able to see the feedback.
8. When you are done with your request, click on 'Send'.