Dialog as an admin
Managing teams and organization structure
Managing users
- How do I restore a deleted account?
- How can I create a demo account in Dialog?
- How to change employee settings?
- How to remove a team member from a team?
- How do I change the language of a user?
- How do I add a new user?
Managing positions
- How do you add responsibilities to a position?
- How do I create a new position?
- How do I link a competency to a position?
- How do I link a position to a user?
- How to manage a position?
- How do I delete a position?
Managing team and organizational goals
Managing review cycles
- How do I manage the goal setting period for my employees?
- What settings do I check before an evaluation moment?
- How can I see what a review template looks like?
- How do I create fixed goals?
- How can I reopen an already completed evaluation?
- How do I manage a review cycle?
Managing competencies and core values
Managing feedback questionnaires
Talent module
- How can I analyse the organisational results of an engagement survey?
- How do I manage the engagement question set
- How do I send an Engagement survey?
- How do I send a survey reminder?
- How is the anonymity of engagement results ensured?
- What is the eNPS and how is it calculated?
Managing reports
Manuals integrations & SSO
- How can I reauthorize the Nmbrs integration?
- Can a user change his/her name, email address or password in Dialog after logging in with SSO?
- Is two factor authentication possible when we use SSO?
- Do I still need to invite new users to Dialog?
- What changes in the login flow when SSO is enabled in Dialog?
- Manual for Integration with Visma.net